SO, apparently we haven't done anything. we've gone to the gym, ran errands, napped, watched episodes of project runway and went to the dollar theater. hmmmm, pretty boring.
but of course we couldn't go the whole time without a little drama. we just work like that.
thursday night was activity night for the primary girls. whoever thought it was a good idea for me to be called as a leader to a bunch of pre-teen girls obviously doesn't know me. (which is true since i was called the first week we moved into our new ward.) but we had the activity at my home. we were going to talk of nutrition and make veggie pizza's. i of course don't have anyone to watch wesley or michelle, so i had them down stairs to watch a show. harmless enough, right? right. just as we were getting ready to make pizza's, wesley tripped and fell in the process of getting a dvd and slammed his forehead into the corner t.v. unit. resulting in lots of blood and a trip to the urgent care while the poor activity girls looked on in horror. because who doesn't want to eat after that.
luckily, they only had to glue the cut (which he promptly split open the next day. geesh kid, seriously give me a break). by the time i got home all the girls had left and my partner was watching elise and michelle and cleaning my kitchen.
well that first activity went well don't you think? wish me luck in this endeavor. i think it's going to kill me.
look at this face. he is always up to something naughty...