Tuesday, October 11, 2011

fall break day two....

SO, today was good.


miracles do happen i guess.

i had an amazing workout, a fabulous nap and my kids actually entertained each other.  as in they played together. they didn't fight or argue.  they even cleaned the downstairs bathroom, playroom and craft room without me having to say something.  what the what???

like i said, miracles do happen.

but as i was in the kitchen this afternoon making cookies, i listened to some of my old mixed tapes.  old school, i know.
i had forgotten just how much i loved music.  i mean, i listen to it in the car and sometimes while working out but it had been a really, really long time since i just played music.  especially music from my childhood. it brings up old hurtful memories. but today it hit my soul.  and made me happy.

it also made me happy to remember that even while i was a goth in high school with the black nail polish and black lipstick, my mixed tapes consisted of kenny g, depeche mode, the cure, erasure, a-ha, debbie gibson, nine inch nails, tiffany, pink floyd, billy joel, church songs, led zeppelin, 10,000 maniacs and the theme song from james bond.  at least i was diverse!

i'll relish in my music and the quietness of children playing nicely, for i know tomorrow is another day.  a day most likely filled with tears, yelling and cursing under my breath.

two days down, ten more to go....