Wednesday, March 21, 2012

barnyard musical...

SO, before i forget i need to discuss the play my daughter did at school.  they worked on it for months and michelle had a speaking part.  she did amazingly well memorizing her lines and she spoke clearly in the microphone.  fantastic.

now i have to say, i loathe these school plays.  even if they only last 40 minutes.  they make my ears bleed.  does that make me a horrible mother?  i look around and see joy and pride in the other parents faces but all i'm thinking is "how can you stand this?  THIS IS HORRIBLE."  

anyway, now onto the obligatory pictures.  luckily there are only three.

 my daughter was a goat.  yay for goats...

 well she was happy about the performance anyway...
i will admit i was proud of her for doing so well with her part.  thank goodness.