Thursday, March 22, 2012

on the third day of spring break...

SO, today was one of those days i like to avoid.  i did yoga with my friend, i watched desperately charming movies on {PBS Masterpiece Classics} and watched an old video of myself clogging at disneyland when i was 8 years old.  i found the film while cleaning out my dad's house and only now got around to watching it.  my daughters were absolutely fascinated with it.  they kept saying "that was YOU?"  

my son just wanted to hit.  nice.

it's funny the memories one has of events that end up looking and sounding completely different in reality.  like when i was in eighth grade and my school band spent the entire year working on the music from phantom of the opera.  we presented it at the last semester so proud of ourselves at how great we sounded.  the parents gave us standing ovations and my mom went on and on about how wonderful it was.  

then some years later i heard the recorded version my parents made of the concert.

and it sounded HORRIBLE.  what?  it sounded so good in my brain.  my thirteen year old brain that is.  but it wasn't good.  and my mom lied.

my dancing in the video wasn't as bad as that.  it was more the way i looked.  i knew that i wasn't skinny like the others but man what was i thinking with that hair?  and those shorts.  oh, the shorts sooooo very short.  why oh why did the instructor think it was a good idea for me to play the boy?  oh, right.  because I LOOKED LIKE A BOY.   

i spent the rest of the day wandering around my house trying to think of all the things i needed to do only to be distracted by my book, or a game, or a crappy made for tv movie.  oh, and listening to my whiny whiny whiny children.  (they are soooo ready to be on vacation)  

but i did in the end manage to pack.  miracle.  

now on to the real adventure...