Monday, April 9, 2012

on the eleventh day of spring break...

SO, on thursday of spring break my kids and myself spent the day with my dear friend.  i met her when i worked at banc one mortgage. i started out as a receptionist, then quickly moved up to be a mortgage rep assistant for my friend. in the beginning we didn't like each other AT.ALL.  i blame most of it on myself.  i was in the worst part of my eating disorder.  i mean RAGING.  so i was kind of a brat.  (kind of being TOTAL)  after my friend reported me to the boss, i got a major wake up call and broke down my wall.  once i did that, we became really good friends.  we were quite the team and worked extremely well together.  i miss working with her actually.  but since that time, we have stayed wonderful friends.  she visited me in the hospital when i was first admitted to the {willow creek} program.  she came to my wedding and over the last three years had us come and visit them in tennessee for christmas.  she is always generous with herself, her time and money and i'm so grateful to know her.  

we spent most of the day at her home. her house is seriously amazing. every time i go there, i feel like i'm in a home decorating magazine.  just gorgeous.  we swam for a REALLY long time.  (have i ever mentioned how much i hate swimming?) and we had some adventures going to {the best gelato shop in america} and eating dinner at one of the{iron chef america's} restaurants.  plus my kids spent some time playing on the big {LOVE} statue.  overall, we had a wonderful day and i'm sure it reminded my friend once again why she doesn't have ANY CHILDREN. 

dinner out where i was mortified by my kids behavior.  wesley's face says it all.

 wesley does love my friend to pieces.  he thinks she's his best friend.  
 love it.
 this {hotel} has some of the best decor.

wesley was still being a snot.  they were so ready for bed.