Tuesday, April 3, 2012

on the nineth day of spring break... holy crap. NINE DAYS.

SO, tuesday was my mom's birthday.  and i was glad to be in arizona to spend it with her. 

my mom has been really ill.  right after we finished cleaning out my dad's house, she came down with some sort of bug.  

after three weeks of being sick, she finally went to the doctor.  

the on-call doctor (who wasn't her normal doctor) gave her a z-pack to take.

it didn't help.  it made it worse.  

after almost 6 weeks of serious sickness, she couldn't get out of bed.  my grandma finally took her to the ER where she was immediately admitted.  

my mom stayed in the hospital for 5 days.  she lost almost all of her hearing and she lost 10 pounds in a week.  

seeing my mom again after seeing her over the holidays was hard.  i'm not used to seeing my mom in a fragile state.  except for the time when she got shot, (oh, that's another post. for another day.) i haven't seen her frail. she has always been a strong, hard worker. it was surreal to see her new self.  her voice didn't sound like her.  she couldn't hear anything we said.  there wasn't much we could do before she would collapse into a chair to rest.  we ended up playing a lot of chicken foot and taking naps.  we at least were able to take my mom out for dinner.  that seemed to be the highlight of her day.  i hope it was good.  i wish we could have done more.  

the night ended with a sad farewell to my mother and grumpy kids being put to bed.