Tuesday, April 3, 2012

on the sixth day of spring break...

SO, saturday was met with excited children seeing their father.  he was able to pull off the three plus hour drive to meet up with us for the weekend.  the morning was spent with him playing and taking care of the kids so that i could go for a walk.  

a 6 mile walk.  

it was a lot longer than i had anticipated.  but i did enjoy the quiet of the morning.  the smell of honey suckles and bird chirps brought back memories of my childhood.  even the cool smell of desert was something i hadn't remembered for years.  it felt good to be home.  

in the afternoon, we took the kids to their uncle's house.  they just adore spending time with him and his wife.  it might have something to do with the vast amount of dogs they have.  or the fact that they let them eat whatever and how much of it they want.  it might also be the massive fort tents they make too.  whatever the reason, we were just giddy to be away from children for a night and ever so grateful to their uncle for putting up with our hyper-active (made even more so from the amount of sugar they consumed) children.

the remainder of the day was spent at the {mesa temple} and going to the theater to see {hunger games}.  yes, that's right.  i actually went and partook in the insanity that was hunger games.  the line for the movie wrapped around the building and they let the herd of people in a whole 45 minutes before the movie even began.  whoa.  luckily for us, we got there right when they were letting everyone in, so we were able to nonchalantly make our way into the front of the line.  stick it teenagers.

i now must tell you of my theater experience.  

we were able to get some good seats in the theater.  a lady came by and asked if the seats next to us were taken.  i told her "no."  
"thank god, everyone is saving seats!"  was what she said back to me.  

then she sat down.

and i then realized why people were saving their seats.

she smelled so heavy of alcohol.  so strong it was giving me a headache.  she had a gatorade bottle of clear liquid which i hoped was water but i assume it wasn't.  

i would have been fine with her if the following didn't occur.

her boyfriend showed up very apologetic for being late.  this was their conversation...

BF:  "sorry i'm late, baby!"

GF: "it's fine, we got some good seats."

BF: " yeah, but i wanted to get here early for you so that you could pick the best seats here.  you deserve the best baby."

GF:  "it's okay.  we got good seats."

BF:  "but you deserve the BEST.  only the BEST for my baby."
(repeat that last sentence about three times.  REALLY loud.)

and i would have even been fine with them if it ended there.  

but no.

the girlfriend then gets up to go to what i assume is the bathroom.  while she is gone he harasses some girls sitting in front of him, then asks us if we know anything about the movie.  

this was our conversation with him....

BF:  "hey, do you know anything about this movie?"

US:  "kinda.  do you not know?"

BF: "nu-uh.  people tell me it is a book.  but, you know,  i don't read so....  and when i ask people what the book is about people tell me they don't want to give it away.  so you KNOW they didn't read the book either.  trying to act all smart and all..."

US: "oh.  well, we hear it's going to be good."

BF: "yeah, it better be."

finally his girlfriend arrives back.  and her boyfriend pulls out the biggest burger i've ever seen and begins to eat it.  

then the movie begins.  and the boyfriend commentary begins as well.

BF: "i don't get it. why do they do that?"
"she's still in the tree?  what an idiot.  she needs to get out of the tree."

and on, and on, and on, and on....

half way through the movie, the girlfriend starts to hiccup, burp and make gagging noises.  i look over concerned and her boyfriend asks if she is okay.  she states she needs to go to the bathroom and runs out.  we thankfully get a few minutes of quiet to watch the movie.

but then she returns. 

and he asks if she feels better. 

and she says "MUCH BETTER."  

and then she immediately pulls out a burger the equivalent to the size of her head and begins to eat it.  washing it down with whatever is in her gatorade bottle.  

followed by some serious making out on their part.

then I begin to feel sick.

the movie finishes.  the end.

what a gem of an experience that was.  really.  a gem. 

the night was finished by staying up until 2am talking with the husbands sister and husband. 

that part was so. much. fun.