Wednesday, May 23, 2012


SO, elise decided that she wanted to be an actress this year and joined the drama club.  i was actually surprised by this because she hates to be the center of attention.  that's michelle's job.  but she stuck to it, went to every practice, tried out for major parts and participated eagerly.  

yes, that is my child we are talking about.  shocking, i know.

her drama club did the production of aladdin this year.  elise tried out for the genie and got the under-study roll.  (i was just proud of her that she was good enough to be considered for the under-study.) her real role for the play was a harem girl.  nice.  

the club literally spent half the school year practicing on this play.  they stayed after school 3 nights a week for 2 1/2 hours and went into school every morning 45 minutes early to prepare.  with all the blood, sweat and tears put into the thing, i hoped that it would be good.

and then the big night came.  i bought flowers and a card.  i dressed for the occasion.  i was actually excited.  

and then the play started.  and things went down hill quick.  

ok ok ok.  i know you all know how much i hate concerts and school functions in general but i really think i set myself up for failure on the expectations of brilliance. 

it wasn't.  brilliant, that is.

and here is why.

1. you could not here what anyone was saying for the life of you.

2. the girl who played jasmine portrayed the character as a major brat.  who would fall in love with a girl like the one she was playing?  um, no one.

3. the boy who played aladdin portrayed the character as a total dumb idiot.  which i guess, is why he fell in love with a total self-centered snot.

4. the genie was good. but it was annoying that you could not understanding what was going on because YOU COULD NOT HEAR THEM.

5. the set props were nil.  which would have been fine if you didn't see the teacher (not even dressed in black mind you) walking out on stage to pull down some curtains right in the middle of a scene.  what? why?

6. my daughter looking bored for pretty much the whole play.  huh.  that's just great.

but forgetting all the mentioned above, i do have to say i was very proud of elise for sticking to something from beginning to end. it's truly a first and for her to work so hard and put in all that effort to make this play possible, makes me impressed and hopeful that there's some work ethic in her after all.  even if it wasn't the best (or even mediocre.) she did it all herself.  and everyone starts out shaky in the beginning of trying something new. that knowledge alone made the night bearable. 

of course we now come to the obligatory pictures...

 aladdin and the narrators...

 elise singing when aladdin is arriving as prince ali
 what my other kids did while the play was on.  playing angry birds is a wonderful distraction when bored.

 she loved her flowers. 

i swear, why on earth do i look like a dear in head lights?  i haven't been impressed with pictures of myself lately.  blah.