Tuesday, May 29, 2012

this american life...

SO, once again the husband and i went to the annual {this american life LIVE show}.  we arrived 20 minutes early expecting to find a theater full of people (just like the last time we went) but we found ourselves to be the lone two souls in the room.  seriously.  the only ones.  made me kind of disappointed in the city i now live in.

the program started right on time and we were able to enjoy the show in the privacy of our own theater, until it was almost over the screen went blank.  what the what???  then people started to arrive.  HUH?  seems because i bought my tickets online, it gave the start time for the east coast.  not the west coast, which is a two hour difference.  sigh.  stupid buying tickets on line.  

so we had to watch the show all over again, but this time the theater was full with a decent amount of people.  which restored my love for this city.  

the show was awesome as always.  you can listen to it {HERE} if you'd like.  you should. if you don't want to listen to the whole of it, at least listen to {groundhog dayne}.  that was my favorite and it was hilarious.  

enjoy.  oh, and if you're not listening to {this american life} yet, what are you waiting for???

the phone on my camera is terrible.  but that is my husband sitting in a eerily empty theater.