SO, anyone who knows me, knows just how much i despise clothes shopping. it's bad enough to try on tops, but pants or jeans? hate can not describe how much i dread it. for this reason i usually have a plethora of clothes i've worn since high school and my early twenties. now most people have rolled their eyes and said "at least after having kids you can STILL wear clothes from high school and early twenties!" well, that USED to be true. since being on complete bed rest while pregnant with wesley, i have struggled to lose the baby weight. it has driven me CRAZY and for this reason i have continued the past eight months to wear maternity jeans. i have refused to even look at jeans in hopes of fitting into my favorite pair sooner or later. but, for the first time the other day i finally broke down and admitted to myself i needed a new pair. with dread building in my gut, i ventured out to the shops. i made my way to old navy with michelle (which was a mistake) and through her crying i gathered together a good amount of jeans to try. now, i just have to ask who designs jeans? i mean REALLY? what woman ( a mom) wants to wear jeans so low she cant sit down in them let alone kneel or even bend over to help her child? and what woman has skinny skinny legs, no hips and a huge waist? i'm sorry but last time i checked, woman were not built like little malnourished ethiopian children! okay, so back to my story, after frustration over my pile of jeans turning into a big pile of no's, i tried on the "sweetheart" style jeans and OH MY GOSH! do these really fit? they do! they really fit. and size six? i can live with that. they were a bit long, to long actually so i bolted back to the jeans section and to my disappointment they didn't have any left in my size. *SIGH* SO CLOSE!
well, i came home and looked online.....and i ordered them and prayed i'd found my jeans. well, they came today. i held my breath as i opened the bag and muttered under my breath to "JUST PLEASE FIT!" and they do! HOOOOO HOOOOO! what a fantastic day a good pair of jeans can make. i can now put away my maternity jeans.... well, maybe not just yet!