so, we spent the day as a family together on saturday and after a fun filled day at six flags, we decided to have dinner at our favorite mexican restaurant. michelle cracked me up with her antics. these were some of the highlights...
1. ate all the cream salsa and demanded that we ask the waiter for more since "we are all hungry and ate all the first batch."
2. playing around while the rest of the family ate their meals all gone, then deciding to put on a show and begin to eat her meal REAL slow while the rest of the family had to watch.
3. having to go to the restroom mid-dinner and then commenting that she does not like the "bouncy toilets". (the toilet was broken)
4. showing her addiction for diet coke by guzzling down two rather large cups of the stuff. (it's my fault, i drank to much diet soda while pregnant with her... even though it was decaf, she had the taste of it in the womb and therefore destined to become addicted!)
i love you michelle...