SO, i know that i post more about michelle than anyone else, but she is just at such a fun age where everything she says cracks me up. so, this post is an ode to michelle.
the mister the other morning noticed a disgusting mess under michelle's chair at the kitchen table. he proceeded to sweep up old play dough, bread/cookie crumbs and even half a chicken nugget. horrified by just the amount of things that were under her chair, he called michelle over to try to teach her to be a little bit more tidy. the conversation went something like this:
the mister: michelle could you come here a minute?
michelle: what?
the mister: what IS all of this?
michelle: cookie crumbs. aren't they pretty daddy?
the mister: well, i guess so. (laughing) but please could you be a bit more careful?

my conversation with michelle yesterday.
me: what do you want for lunch?
michelle: i don't want any lunch.
me: you need to eat some lunch so you wont be hungry at school.
michelle: i already ate at thatcher's house remember? we had enchiladas with the missionaries.
me: that was last week michelle, and that was for dinner.
michelle: well, Jesus didn't come with the missionaries.
me: no Jesus couldn't make it to dinner that night.
michelle: Jesus would have DEFIANTLY liked the enchiladas we had!
me: yes, he probably would have. but, what do you want for lunch now?
on saturday, we took a drive as a family to our old neighborhood. as a drove we saw the old golf course we lived by had been cleared away and construction of new buildings being put in it's place. elise was the most alarmed by the transformation. she ranted on and on about "how could they do that?" and "they cut down all the trees, i mean come on!" and "OH MY GOSH!" and my favorite "They are taking away all our AIR!" i really didn't realize i was raising such a tree hugger, but anyway, as we moved on into our neighborhood what we saw shocked us. most of our neighborhood was gone! all of it was demolished! we new that they would be renovating but not completely to the ground. as i got out of the car to take the above picture, michelle said very solemnly "they are going to get into SOOOOOOO much trouble!"
and last but surely won't be the least:
michelle was singing at the top of her lungs this morning and this is what she was singing...
"follow the prophet. follow the prophet. follow, follow me. i can do it high or low. i can do it fast or slow. follow the prophet....