some funny things.
1. elise was playing outside yesterday riding her bike in a DRESS, with tennis shoes and NO SOCKS and wearing her fancy sunday coat. the mister called her in to tell her to change her outfit, put on socks and wear her green bomber jacket. elise's response?
"i don't like wearing my green bomber jacket!!! it makes me feel and look like an olive!"
(she's definitely my daughter!)
2. every time we go to a store that has mannequin's in the shop, michelle runs up to them and has to hold their hands. she refuses to leave the store until she has held ALL the hands of EVERY mannequin. weird child. (she definitely DIDN'T get that from me!)
3. i keep dreaming in blog. like dreaming how i'm going to write things. in fact this very entry is what i dreamt last night. (i'm definitely going crazy!)
have a happy silly sunday!