Sunday, November 2, 2008
Welcome my old friend
"We only part to meet again."
-John Gay
autumn is finally here. well, signs of it were present about a month ago, then an indian summer pushed it's way in, but now, now i feel that fall is coming quietly into my life. i adore fall. even when i was a small child living in arizona (which doesn't know the meaning, to be honest) i loved the idea of it. i love how the chillness takes away the tiredness that last days of hot summer brings. how i can pack away the horrible summer clothes and pull out my wonderful friends... LONG sleeved shirts to hide my flawed arms and jeans to cover my obscenely white veiny legs. autumn. it's just perfect. the leaves decide to give you a fantastic display of all their charms, colors and play with the wind running circles about. the wonderful smell of fires burning in fireplaces in the neighborhood. it's here and it must be enjoyed, for it doesn't last long. it goes as quickly as it comes. soon the dread of winter will be upon us. the dread of ALWAYS feeling cold, of being wet and being in utter darkness. not to mention wearing so many layers of clothes you become just one big blob! So for now, my lovely friend fall is here, take a long cool breath in and ENJOY!!!