Friday, January 9, 2009

Are you Serious? REALLY!!!?

SO, i was watching the Today show this morning and they had a segment on that really got my blood boiling.
"so, what will michelle obama be wearing for the inauguration ball?" was what i heard vera saying into the camera. my response? "who gives a hoot?" and then them droning on and on about the different designers that she might consider, who barrack might be wearing and what the girls would be dressed in.
are you serious? really? this is what we are talking about while our nation is going down the tubes. we're going to discuss dresses and suits costing more money than what some americans make in a year? really? couldn't that money be better spent for like, um, maybe being used toward the 800 BILLION dollars that obama thinks is a good idea to help our "economy"? just a note to you mister president elect... we already had a 700 BILLION dollar bail out (which i didn't agree with either) and that back fired big time. just because some people think of you as the messiah doesn't mean it's going to work this time! if the obama's want to prove their concern for our economy and nation, they need to drive in their own vehicle to the nearest walmart and buy their inauguration outfits there for under $200.00. that would show americans they truly want to take steps for change. that, vera would be a segment worth watching!