Tuesday, February 3, 2009

morning brick

SO, i guess denny's was serving a free grand slam breakfast to anyone who entered their restaurant from the hours of 6am to 2pm. okay, i thought, and on with my life. not for the mister though. no, he thought it would be a good idea to rise at the horrendous hour of 6am and go out for some breakfast. a brick in your stomach kind of breakfast. at first i thought he was just talking silly nonsense like he sometimes does. but no, right at 6am he was up getting ready to go. i opted out of this excursion, choosing to sleep in with wesley. who can eat that stuff at the crack of dawn? apparently my husband and girls. the mister got elise and michelle up and dressed and he made elise's lunch and off they went for some morning time giggles. when they came back they were happy and glad to have spent some time with each other. i am grateful for that. i am giddy happy that my girls not only love their daddy, they ADORE him! in their eyes he can do no wrong. and that is how it should be. i don't even mind that they LOVE him more than me. i know i can be hard to get along with, unbearable sometimes, but the mister? now who doesn't just ADORE and LOVE him?
i never had a relationship with my dad. in fact, i was afraid of him up until a year after i got married. since then, my dad's calmed down and i've become more brave and we are now good friends, but i wish i could have loved my dad like my girls love the mister. i am forever blessed to have a wonderful husband who is just so sweet, tender, loving and kind not only to all my children and me, but everyone else as well. he is just the BEST!
so, thankyou denny's for allowing my family to have some quality time together for free over a disgusting heart attack on a plate! we will remember you fondly.....