Tuesday, March 10, 2009

a whole lotta randomness...

SO, i hear this weekend was pretty nice. yeah, too bad i missed it! why? because i was stuck in a quarantined room with my son at the hospital. not once did we get to enjoy the beautiful weather the WHOLE weekend. yeah so, how lucky for you. here are some more random thoughts i thought about while STUCK in a hospital room...

-why does the water at the hospital always taste so dang horrible? i can't bare it anymore.
-i feel so sad for the poor parents who have children stuck in hospitals with crazy health problems.
-people, stop being jerks to each other. every time i turn on the news you're doing crazy, unimaginable things to each other. what the crap? can you just. get. along?
-i thought it was totally hilarious that the last restaurant standing people decided to buy snuff for their challenge. why would you think that would be a good idea again? oh well, it was still funny to watch people sniffing off their hands like they were doing coke.
-i find it fascinating that my husband knows WAY to much about drugs.
-thank you joel for the most entertaining episode after a crappy weekend.
-i LOVE daylight savings time
-my brother informed me this weekend i might have to house one or both of my parents someday. mmmmm, i don't know about that.
-big love. i don't think i like you very much. and i certainly think it's pretty lame of you to try and do temple ordnance's on upcoming episodes.
-i've always wanted to go and mock the freaks at burning man.
-do we really need ANOTHER ultra-violent movie out in the theaters? my gosh, when will it ever stop?
-it's amazing what a little stress and lack of sleep can do to your body. not only is the mister's gut getting smaller, my snug fitting size 2 jeans are now loose. does that mean i can eat more cookies? or are my jeans just getting worn in?
-i LOVE target. it's my magic kingdom.
-i'm afraid that i am going to end up like those insane mom's who insist on nursing their children until they are 12. (okay, more like 2 yrs.)
-i'm extremely excited so many lovely ladies are having babies. that's just more newborns for me to kidnap and hold for hours on end without people thinking i'm too crazy.
-sometimes i really just don't understand commercials.
-i desperately miss my husband. i'm tired of tag teaming. i need some serious cuddle time.
-being in a hospital room with only regular tv just reminded me how crappy regular tv is.
-i need to sleep and i also need to finish my philly entries. hopefully soon.
-i'm applying with the county to be a breastfeeding counselor. GO BOOBIES!
-i'm dreading the swimming season. my kids want to swim. i don't.
-i totally parked next to a car at my last WIC appointment that had an obama bumper sticker and a line of bullet holes on the side of the car. ironic?
-robot chicken. you are so naughty but you so make me giggle.
-it makes me laugh watching the mister make our bed. especially when he tries to put the padding in the duvet cover. hilarity ensues.
-i need to remember what i'm saying in front of my kids, they can understand me now.
-i think it's awesome how so many helped us this weekend. that's just one more thing i have to feel guilty about. people get sick or something so i can bring you food!

i know that their is more in my brain that i need to write about, but i can't remember it right now, since it's way late at night and i'm delirious. this might be continued...someday.