Friday, August 21, 2009

the most wonderful time of the year...

SO, by this time of summer all i can think about it the wonderful coming of autumn and the start of school. 4 more days until my girls return. selfish i know, but i really need my controlled schedule back. as hard as i try, organization and schedules just don't work like they do during the school year. i did find this post the other day very sweet. i never have thought of having a celebration for the kids who are going back to school. i've only ever been selfish and dreamed of the celebration i would have without my children. i considered having a semi-celebration tomorrow evening. nothing as grand, but a little party to get the girls uber-excited to return to their land of books, writing utensils and homework.
and now for the entertainment. this commercial makes me so very happy. i get giddy with anticipation when i watch it and i NEVER get tired of seeing it. so here you go. happy friday everyone.