SO, have i ever told you about my dearest friend? NO!? shame on me. she totally deserves her very own post (which i'll do at a later date). but the short of it is, we've been friends since the day i was born. seriously. her mom and mine were besties and her mom gave my mom a baby shower for my birth. she has been with me through EVERYTHING! except for my wedding when she was on her mission, she has been to my birthday parties, dances, church camps, school plays, seminary functions, institute dances, my sealing to the mister, all my babies births, their birthdays, we've been to paris, scotland, england, ireland, and on and on. she's held my hand through sickness, happiness, heartbreaks and sat by my side at trinity's funeral and cried along with me. she is THE best girl you will ever meet. she would give you her shirt if you needed it right then and there. (in fact, she has done just that!) so, for me to be able to go and visit her and her parents on friday night was a no brainer. my best friend's been living in one of the coolest areas of the city for a couple of years now and her parents finally have come out to visit her. my time with them was short but we sure had a blast.
eating out at a fabulous (I) taline diner will do that to you.
(her dad pronounces italine with the hard "I" sound)
just look at that AMAZING chair behind my friend.
i want at least two of those in my house.
that threw-up christmas EVERYWHERE.
her mom was in heaven.
her dad just wandered around shaking his head.
making pretty music
with his water glasses.
i must say i was really impressed.
holy cow was this thing good.
and i don't even like chocolate that much!
i couldn't stop moaning when eating it.
and her dad scored us some
nice cold milk to go with it.
S W E E T!
i LOVE my dearest friend's family. they were for a long time in my life more of a family to me then my own. i would talk with her mom about problems and her dad always made me feel safe and wanted. they are the kindest, sweetest, loving parents and they still love each other so much. they would hold hands and snuggle at dinner. they are the perfect reminder of how i want to be with the mister at that stage in our lives. i'm so grateful that i was able to see them again. and i'm eternally grateful that a wonderful heavenly father put them in my life to know and grow from. thanks dear lady, for once again giving me an awesome night out. you are the BEST!