Thursday, September 3, 2009
my evening vistor....
SO, it's been a rough day. after a fitful night sleep, i awoke with a stomach ache (something i don't really ever remember having in my life, ever.) and just plain cranky and tired. then i had to leave with wesley and michelle for the doctors for a 2pm neurology appointment. after driving through construction, traffic and a car accident, we arrived at 1:45pm. i had brought a lot of things for both kids to do but after 2pm came and went, then 3pm came and went and then finally at 4pm the doctor called us back, the kids were not interested in all the stuff i brought since they had been playing with it for 2 hours and wanted something else to do. like jump from chair to chair or repeatedly kick the wall, or grab medical instruments to play with. yikes, i just couldn't concentrate. after a useless visit from the doctor giving me the answer i suspected she would give (which was, there is nothing we can do) i headed back out to the van to face the evening traffic home. have you ever driven from the city in the middle of rush hour? it has to be the worst route you will ever have to take. i finally arrived home after two hours of stop and go traffic only to find that the list of things i had left for elise to accomplish wasn't done and that she had decided to do many things we had asked her specifically NOT to do. sigh. so i proceeded to turn into bad mommy. well, i feel like i've been a bad mommy quite a lot as of late, but while i was in the middle of a screaming fit i received a knock at the door. it was the lovely kary dropping off some beautiful cupcakes. how wonderful is that? and how embarrassing is it to be caught acting like a beast? well, needless to say, i was grateful and humbled that she would think of me. so, thank you kary. the cupcakes were scrumptious. they didn't last the evening.....