Saturday, October 31, 2009

if you see me, please don't ask how my halloween went....

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: being mad, often extremely mad


affronted, annoyed, antagonized, bitter, chafed, choleric, convulsed, cross, displeased, enraged, exacerbated, exasperated, ferocious, fierce, fiery, fuming, furious, galled, hateful, heated, hot, huffy, ill-tempered, impassioned, incensed, indignant, inflamed, infuriated, irascible, irate, ireful, irritable, irritated, maddened, nettled, offended, outraged, piqued, provoked, raging, resentful, riled, sore, splenetic, storming, sulky, sullen, tumultous/tumultuous, turbulent, uptight, vexed, wrathful

this has been my day so far....

lot's of yelling.
throwing of things. mostly in my or M's general direction.
rolling around on the floor.
more yelling.
more screaming.
yet more crying.
back to crying.
then begging.
all this mixed in with a trip out in the most ridiculous traffic, making dinner and a shower. utter yuck.

it all started on thursday afternoon when i told the girls that they needed to clean their rooms and clean the bathrooms. that's it. nothing hard or out of the ordinary. this was it. so why has it felt like the apocalypse has been upon my household since then? i have NO F'ING idea. (sorry, i'm extremely livid right now.) all thursday afternoon and night the girls played and refused to do their assigned chores. friday we had plans to go to six flags for the evening but we then ended up spending most of the afternoon arguing with the girls about how they just had to do the chores they were supposed to do and then we could leave. after one child in particular (eh em, elise) had the devil possess her we decided they would not be going. so what did we do? the mister and i got a babysitter and the two of us went to six flags by ourselves. can i just say, that was the funnest night the mister and i had in a very. long. time. the last time the mister and i had been to an amusement park by ourselves was on our honeymoon! we went on every scary ride and made out like highschoolers while waiting in line.(all the real highschooler were grossed out. awesome!) dude, it was sooooo fantastic! and can i also say the batman ride is INSANE! i almost peed my pants and will be fine to never have to go on that ride again. but anyway...
saturday came and again our plan was to clean in the morning, go to six flags in the afternoon and go trick or treating in the evening. what actually happened? well, you saw the list at the top of this post. my children are literally the devil. i truly can not believe that my children are so stubborn that they would rather be absolutely miserable for three whole days then to just CLEAN THEIR ROOM AND CLEAN THE DAMN BATHROOM. and then when the kids started coming to the door for candy? michelle frantically started saying that she must clean her room so that she could go out too! but did she? nope. she continued to roll around on the floor, mess about and basically whine about how unfair it was she couldn't go out trick or treating. WHAT? WHAT? i'm sorry but what the.....
this must be how Heavenly Father feels when he sees his children doing completely stupid, asinine things like refusing to do the simple things he's asked us to do. i'm mean it's not hard stuff. i don't know how He deals with it. much better than me with my kids that's for sure. so, for the first time in my married life i have had the most horrible of horrible halloweens. this is the first time EVER that we have not gone trick or treating. well, we did take wesley out to a few houses but he was just bored so the mister brought him home. so the rooms are still not clean, michelle is still awake upstairs rearranging her clothes in her closet but really not cleaning anything but at least the bathrooms have finally been done. (after FIVE attempts at it.) oh, and something to put the cherry on this wonderful day... i had a big bowl of candy to pass out tonight. i, in my stupid way that it would be fine to let elise pass out the candy. yeah, really bad idea. the door bell only rang twice when elise came back into the kitchen to tell me the candy was almost gone. HUH? turns out she was a bit too generous with the candy. she basically shoveled the candy into the kids bags. great. so we were out of candy within 10 minutes! it would have lasted all night if she would have given the two pieces of candy she was suppose to give out. sigh. have i mentioned what a horrible day, today has been? because it was. just horrible. and all i can say is, my stomachs upset, i'm tired, forever cranky, my house is a total dump and i just want to crawl into bed and hide under my covers and never climb back out. i would have taken freddy or jason or mike today over my children! i'm not even joking.....

wesley was at least cute in his bee outfit.

the mister's pride and joy. fabulous pumpkins.

on our way for candy. that lasted a whopping 5 minutes.