the thought for the day...
"if we really want to live, we'd better start at once to try."
----Wystan Hugh Auden
"if we really want to live, we'd better start at once to try."
----Wystan Hugh Auden
SO, i was able to take a lovely walk this evening all by my lonesome. it actually wasn't so lonesome since i was in heaven with all my alone-ness, but the weather has been just perfect lately. this is without a doubt my favorite time of year. wearing sweaters, hats, and scarves--oh the scarves! all without a jacket is my kind of weather. as i was walking i was greeted with such lovely smells of the fall air. cool wet grass, crisp fall air and the fantastic wood burning stoves. it's sad that this won't last much longer. what i wouldn't give for an extra month or two of brilliance. i hope that you are enjoying such weather as well, and that you have a happy wacky wednesday. i'll be working (yes, i'm back to working. being dirt poor and all has brought on this demise). but, i'll also be working out afterwards. hooray for yoga. such a great healing to the soul. if you ever want to do it with me sometime well, just ask lisa how well that went.... :)