SO, can i just say one thing? THIS. IS. THE. MOST. HORRIBLE. MOVIE. okay, i feel better now. this is absolutely the worst version of mansfield park i've ever seen. every character in this movie (including fannie) was so despicable that i couldn't have cared less to what happened to them. fannie herself came across nothing other than a spoiled, whining holier-than-thou brat instead of the wise, charming woman she's supposed to be. i mean, what? and edmund? a total and utter wank who has no spine what. so. ever! uhhhhh, this movie just makes me angry and irritated at the waste of my time! please, don't even consider bothering with this movie. watch the BEST one. the 1999 version with johnny lee miller. :) and just because he's in it isn't the reason why it's the best. that version is witty, clever, funny and just absolutely charming. the fact that johnny's in it, well that just makes it all the better.