Thursday, January 14, 2010

alrighty people... i'm going in.

SO dearies, it's the middle of the winter and my spirits are at the lowest of low that they will get before spring. yuck. yuck and more yuck. i've mass cleaned my home of clutter and general crap. purchased some much needed furniture (at some serious bargain prices) to make my home look more like a home and less like a dorm room and done some crying. yes, crying. that comes with the low spirits. because of this i'm going away to a bad girls weekend to let loose with drugs, sex and lots and lots of drinking.... okay. that's not exactly true. i AM going away to a bad girls weekend. the drugs might be for a headache (if i happen to get one), there will definitely be no sex since there will only be happily married women involved and the drinking, well there will be lots of that. water and tea to be exact. i've decided to join in this venture because we all know that i'm totally a social butterfly and all over girls weekends away. (yeah, i thought you might enjoy that for a laugh. okay, you can stop laughing now.) i'm actually a bit panic stricken over this. i was pretty much persuaded to go by the person who was putting it together and now i'm not quite sure why i'm going. i mean everything i hate is going to be happening in the 4 days i'm going. let's make a list shall we?
1. 18 women in ONE house. that alone is enough for me to runaway.
2. lots of gossip and giggling. oh, the giggling.
3. sharing a kitchen, with OTHER PEOPLE AND THEIR FOOD. yikes!
4. sharing bathrooms and OTHER PEOPLES BODILY FUNCTIONS. just gross. you don't know how many years it's taken me to get over 4 other people using bathrooms in my home....
5. sharing beds WITH COMPLETE STRANGERS. uh, i'm not so sure about this.
6. having to be social. uh, what? they don't know me at all!
7. having to play get to know you games. bleh.

hmmm, i'm sure i can go on but that is enough for now. so, as you can see i'm pretty much dreading this. which means it won't be that bad. it usually works like that with me. i guess the bright side of all this is, well let's make a list.
1. i get to drive for 6 hours all by myself and listen to quiet and MY MUSIC.
2. i can sleep the whole time if i want
3. no children
4. no husband
5. no children
6. no husband
7. i'm going to walk on the beach every morning. i don't care that it will be blasting (thanks sharon or jared. ) cold.
8. i'm going to hit up every target that i see on the way down and back.
9. no children screaming at me.
10. people will actually call me jane and not mom
11. oh, did i mention no children?

yeah, that's why i'm going. i'm putting myself in harmful social functions to have a break of being a mom. that's it. not to enjoy quality time with other women but to get away from my family. happy weekend to me.

so, i'll see you when i get back. that is if i truly make it and don't come back all girly with my nails painted and hair done. until then, i don't take any credit for how my children usually look and i certainly won't this weekend since their father will be the one dressing them. we all know how great he is at that.... (love you honey, thanks for letting me go! :)...)