Sunday, January 17, 2010

my last day of BGW in pictures, take three....

SO, on my last day of the bad girls weekend, i awoke to buckets and buckets of rain pouring outside. and fog. lots and lots of fog. i was disappointed since i wanted to have a walk on the beach but low and behold the rain stopped and the most clear blue sky appeared as far as the eye could see. the whole group of women made their way to the beach for pictures, visiting and i was able to get some great sea shells. i've never seen so many sea shells in excellent condition in one place before. just incredible. i spent the rest of the afternoon driving around, taking pictures, getting souvenirs and finding elise a mood ring that she has been wanting for nearly six months now. what are the odds of me finding one here? it was fate i tell you....
after some deep talk of religion and watching a movie i took a bath in the massive swimming pool of a bath tub and then collapsed in a heap of relaxation. ahhhh. do i REALLY need to leave all this? sigh. what a bummer i have to go tomorrow.....

the irony is not lost on me for not wanting to leave since this very trip gave me nightmares for weeks prior to now. i'm crazy remember, i just work like that.