onto more plain old randomness....
i am cooking sausages in the kitchen. proper ones. like the ones you get in england. it smells just like it used to in my home i had there, which makes my heart bleed and ache. deep long sigh.... i wish i blogged when i lived in england. or at least a better journal keeper. i only have a handful of times i wrote. which is unbearable to think about. one memory though that has been in the forefront of my mind being new years and all has been making me laugh. the first year we lived in england we met a great married couple. he was from utah and she was from south africa but they were living in boston, uk and she was pregnant with her first child. we invited them over for the new years weekend to lounge about, eat lots and lots of food and play games. it was the first and only time we ever had some friends over to sleep and hang out for a couple days at a time. what fun though. it was all good until new years eve which ended with a dark kitchen lit by sparklers that set the fire alarm off waking most of the neighborhood. oh and lots and lots of water... hee hee hee. good times.
moving on....
i have a pile of boys clothes piled up in the middle of my family room floor that i'm suppose to go through and organize. I NEED TO ORGANIZE. not just my house but my feelings and my life. at least the christmas tree is down and my floors have been mopped. i love freshly mopped floors. there is nothing like it. okay, except for a freshly vacuumed floor, or a clean bathroom, or a clean kitchen. oh, forget it. there's nothing like a freshly CLEANED HOUSE. sigh. i need to get on that.
but before i go and do that...
i thought i could handle the bruises, the climbing, the falls and bumps....
p.s. i know my kids have big heads, but this pictures makes wesley's head look ginormous. holy cow.