Sunday, February 28, 2010

can i DIE now? please?

SO, i was starting to feel better mid-morning on friday. i thought for sure that i was on the up swing and that i could get back to planning this birthday weekend, disneyworld (we are in the single digits now, and just thinking about the drive, let alone having to ride the rides makes me want to run to the bathroom right about now...) and so on.

then friday brought me a whole new level of sick. it's called "you better be near a bathroom because there will be no mercy" sick. for some reason my body has decided that it is hollow now and will not let anything in because it will find a way out... AND FAST. uhhhhh, can i die now? i'm begging.

oh, and trying to clean my house yesterday only brought me a preview as to how i'm going to be when i'm old. hunched over, hobbling around. having to stop every few minutes to go to the bathroom or to rest and catch my breath only to not be able to get off the couch. forget where i was cleaning, then start the process all over again. and did i mention that i'm going at it solo again this weekend? how many is that now? i can't remember.... oh, and it's wesley's birthday on sunday and i have absolutely no intention of doing anything about it really. sigh. poor kid. he gets the brunt of everything.
sooooooo, can i DIE NOW? please, please, please?

okay, i'm not going to leave you with that because that is just to sad and disturbing on so many levels. so instead i'm going to show you a picture of the lovely gift the fantastic miss karey dropped by (bravely i might add) my house friday evening.

she made it all herself. the picture, the writing, everything. how awesome is that? thank you karey! i look at it every day and remember that there are some truly amazing people out there who know me! thanks again.....