Wednesday, February 10, 2010

fol chen OBSESSED....

SO, i go through phases of being obsessed with fol chen. i'm once again in one of those phases. they are just way to fun. cable tv is the story of my life. don't believe me? read the words....

now you've been working so hard
running in circles
like a robot shorting circuits
like it's set to blow

i've gotta make an appointment
just to kiss you
baby i'm not complaining
but i've got to know

won't you come away with me
i'm not rich
but the first night is on me
you know i just got paid baby
i know a place and they got Cable TV

now here we are
by the pool of this motel
getting dizzy from the spritzers
and the desert heat

i'm getting tired of waiting
forget* the hot tub (*edited curse word)
let's go back to the room
and watch some Cable TV

won't you come away with me
the carpets filthy but the ice is free
you know i just got paid
so we can order Pay-Per-View
if nothing's good on TV

it's getting late hit the lights
but leave the TV on
and put in the dance mix
let the boom box boom

i thought that i knew what love was
then i saw you
dancing in your underwear too
and i think of you

when i think of you baby
my heart just triples in size
when i think of you baby

(i miss you mister. and i LOVE my cable tv)

if you want to check out some of their music you can go {HERE}; {HERE} and {HERE}. beware that the videos are mind numbingly stupid. ignore them, the music is awesome.

this week is going to be MEGA YOUTUBE week. to many celebrations that call for it. just letting you know.