SO, after a really pretty crumby day yesterday, i went and saw
'up in the air' last night. i initially didn't want to see this movie. i wanted to see the movie
'valentine's day' but it was sold out and this was the only movie left that wasn't in the crap list. i have to say, i'm really glad the other movie was sold out because
'up in the air' was a fantastic movie. it's been a long time since i've seen a movie that i feel justified the hefty price tag of a movie ticket. this one does. i think i enjoyed it because it's about someone who prefers to be alone and
enjoys it. then he starts to wonder if that's necessarily a good thing and has to re-evaluate on whether it's worth taking that chance to let people into his life and the struggles he goes through on his decision. oh, and the ending was a realistic one, not a hollywood one. i don't know, it really struck a chord with me. this movie may not be for everyone, but it was well made and easy to watch, so in my book that's a score no matter what.