Thursday, March 11, 2010

yet another barbie movie....

SO, yesterday was the release of the newest barbie movie. which was promptly bought by myself for our girls night in. the girls were so surprised since they didn't realize it was out yet. i made up a batch of white chocolate popcorn and we sat down to watch it. once again, the story line is like every other freaking barbie movie. someone's out to get barbie, barbie being all annoyingly innocent doesn't understand why people are so mean. she then doesn't believe she can overthrow said evil character until her friends help her realize her potential and then she squashes the evil character. the end results in world peace and animals and humans holding hands and singing. or something to that effect. whatever, it's a stupid barbie movie.

while i find these movies utterly mind numbing i love the tradition of having something that we always do together when it comes out. i love the excitement my girls express and how fun it is to sit down with them and eat popcorn. unfortunately, they are very serious when it comes to their barbie movies, so making snide comments about the movie is met with hurt eyes. which leaves me making fun of the movie in my head. not so much fun for me, but i'm giving it time. one day may come when i can share my unique sense of mockery with my girls. i hope that day comes sooner rather than later. we'll see. until then, please i'm begging mattel, don't put out another movie for at least a year. okay? please?