Sunday, April 4, 2010

on the fifth day of spring break...

SO, going to the city during spring break is becoming a tradition i suppose. but as opposed to going at the beginning of the week like we have done every other year, we went on a friday. uh, big mistake. while it was crowded every other year, it wasn't like this year. this year was ridiculously packed and that of course didn't sit well with me. i was grumpy, HOT, people were everywhere bothering me and i constantly had to pee with no bathroom ever to be found. the only saving grace was my best friend played hooky from work and met up with us. all the museums we wanted to go to had lines LITERALLY wrapping around the buildings to get in. i SO wasn't for that at all. we ended up just basically hanging out. we had expensive popsicles to try and cool down.

we did go to the native american museum.
i found it funny michelle wanted her
picture taken in front of naked people.

the best friend got a hold of my camera.
this was the result :)

i love this picture.
we are ALL actually smiling.
that doesn't happen very often.

the mister and wesley.

elise and michelle with tepees.

elise in front of the capital building.

i did take elise to see the hope diamond.
that is ALL she wanted to do while we were
in the city so we had to do it.
we stood in line far to long for a quick look at the diamond
before being pushed out by the mass crowds.

the bestie and i being sassy.
(my friend looks sassy but what am i doing?)

the kids rode the ancient carousel.

we then ended up going to the mall to hang out while the evening rush was happening. once there was calm on the metro we went and had dinner. it took forever by train and walking but it was totally worth it. i love bertucci's and i ate way too much. ah, so good!

happy bellies!

we were so exhausted by the time we made it back to our van. the kids were out within minutes of driving home. one things for sure in the city there truly is never a dull moment!