Sunday, December 5, 2010

movie review...

SO, my best friend and i have been wanting to see this movie for months now. i read {reviews}, watch the {TRAILER} and so on and just couldn't wait. dec. 03 was the opening and it took me over an hour and a half to try to find a theater that was playing it. i searched in four of the nearest states to find that only THREE movie theaters had it. geesh.
my bestie and i made our way down to D.C. to see the movie only to find that the 8pm showing we wanted to see was sold out. phooey. that meant we had to wait around for a whopping 3 hours in the freezing cold until the 11:15pm showing. let me just state for the record, i am way to old to be staying up that late to watch a movie. by the time the movie was over, walking to the metro, taking the metro, walking to my best friend's and then driving back to my house it was almost 4am. that makes me so very sad at the lack of sleep i experienced. sigh. excruciatingly sad. but i digress. we found a barns and noble to hang out and make fun of for two out of the three hours and then a bar and grill for the last hour before making our way to the sold out packed movie theater. again, we were so excited at seeing it and everyone else seemed to be as well.

and then the movie started.

and i knew it was going to be a psycho-thriller....

but i didn't think it was going to be so crazy-ass annoying that i wanted my money back. sigh.

okay, i do admit that the acting was amazing. and the dance sequences were exceptional. {natalie portman} was fantastic as the prima ballerina and {winona ryder} was a believable ballerina gone over the deep end, but i kept thinking that the main character really didn't have much growth. she started out crazy and ended up crazy so there was nowhere for her to spiral out of control. she was out of control the whole time. how can you feel sorry for someone when they are already crazy? if she was a normal, sane person who slowly starts to lose it over the time of the movie is one thing, but to have her insane from beginning to end? meh. i don't care. i'm also not a fan of graphic girl on girl action either. yuck.

anyway, if i were you i would seriously not waste any time watching it. at least don't spend your money on it. if it's playing on t.v. or on in the background of a party then by all means go ahead. i just have to warn you, close your eyes during the winona ryder stabbing her face with a nail file and the scene after when natalie portman is washing her hands in the kitchen, and then goes back in the kitchen when she hears a noise. if you don't, you will (jumping just thinking about it!)