Saturday, December 25, 2010
our third annual trip....
SO, once again we made our way down to the {volunteer state}. the trip was extremely quick and full of fits, meltdowns and crying. not from me but from wesley. he was fine with the traveling part. it was the going out to dinner, sleeping in a hotel room (with his mom) and hanging out with random people he had a problem with. i ended up spending more time in my van waiting for people to finish eating then i did visiting. want an example? here you go:
the second night we had the christmas work party at the usual spot, stir fry. i always look forward to this dinner. i get to spend time with my great friend and her employees and eat yummy yummy food. not this year. instead, i had to entertain a overly hyper 2 1/2 year old child while waiting for his chicken. when it arrived, he ate half then declared himself done while he proceeded to run around the fancy restaurant. when i brought him back, he asked where his chicken was. i showed him his plate full of it and he began to deny that that was his chicken. huh? you just ate half of it kid. really? he kept demanding chicken and denying the food in front of him. after the third screeching at the top of his lungs that that "WASN'T HIS CHICKEN!" i packed up all the food in boxes and made our way to the van. (keep in mind i hadn't had any of my dinner yet.) an hour later, everyone else finished up there meals and made their way out. the girls had a sleep over at their friend's house so that left wesley and i to hang out in the hotel room. i was cranky, hungry and tired. i began to eat my untouched meal when wesley came over and asked me what i was doing. i told him i was going to eat my dinner and i would like him to go play. what did he do? he said and i quote " hey, that's my chicken." and he ate the rest of his meal. seriously. i wanted to cry myself.
that pretty much sums up my trip. i wish that i could have spent more time with my friends and enjoy some adult conversation. but alas, it was not to be this year. i hope that next year will be more relaxing. we'll see....