Monday, February 14, 2011

what not to do when your sick...

-don't wake up so sick that you go downstairs, turn on the t.v. for your kids and then return to bed for the next six hours.  this will only make you yell "why do you hate me!?"  while you cry hysterically at the destruction of your house.  your kids will eat almost every snack in the house, leaving crumbs and half eaten food all over the floor.  oh, and you'll also find a half eaten cheese stick in your couch cushions.  

-don't make cookies for your kids teachers for valentines day.  even when you promised.  this will continue to make you cry because you'll have to stay up late and it hurts so very much to move.

-don't turn on 'the holiday' from the t.v. while you get ready for bed.  you will end up crying on the couch like a blubbering fool until 10:30pm.

-when you wake up the next morning, don't expect to get any rest when you've spent hours trying to find coverage for your work and someone to watch your son because when you go to take your kids to school, the car will be D.E.A.D.  and you'll have to spend the remainder of the morning finding out what is wrong with it. again, this will make you cry.

-don't let your girls turn the back interior lights on in your car for a day and a half because that will be the reason for your dead battery.  

-and just because your out, don't think that you will be able to kill two birds with one stone and get some much needed groceries, because your wallet won't be with you and you'll have to drive all the way back to your house.

-don't forget to chant over and over "wallet" in your brain when you get home, otherwise you will get distracted by using the bathroom and you will find yourself driving away realizing you didn't get your wallet.  YEAH.

-and you still won't get any sleep because the chance to go grocery shopping (especially when sick)instead of going with your whiny children will always trump sleeping.  ALWAYS.

-don't be offended when you get dirty looks from people because you're shaking uncontrollably from a fever while your putting milk into your cart.  you probably shouldn't be grocery shopping anyway.

-don't wish for death.  it won't happen.

-don't even think about enjoying a beautiful 60 degree day because you'll still be shivering from said fever.

-don't eat.  trust me.

-don't expect to feel any better when you finally do get some sleep.  in fact, you'll feel exceptionally worse.  

-and above all don't be an idiot and stay up to write a stupid blog post.  you really should just be sleeping....