Thursday, March 3, 2011

i don't know what to name this post.

SO, two things that happened in the month of february...

one tuesday morning after wesley's therapy, we went up to his room to get him dressed.  as i was getting clothes out of his closet, i heard wesley shut his door.  i didn't take any notice until we were ready to leave his room.  the door was locked.  (we have the lock on the outside of his door.)
we were the only people in the house.  all the doors were locked, i didn't have a phone on me and we were on the second story with no way of climbing out the window.  and even if i was able to climb out the window, i wouldn't be able to get back into the house.  
wesley started to cry when he realized our situation and the panic in my voice became apparent.  i searched frantically through out his room to find something to use as a screw driver.  nothing.  not. one. thing.  i tried using my finger nails to unscrew the door knob.  no luck.  i even just tried to pull and pull on the door.  still, nothing.
after about thirty minutes of tearing wesley's room apart to find absolutely anything i could use, i finally broke down and prayed. hard.  you have no idea how desperate this prayer was.  it was pathetic really.  but after saying amen, i walked over to the door and it easily opened.  like it wasn't even locked.  
what?  after i opened it, i checked the door knob and it wouldn't move.  because it was still locked.  

you might like think that's luck but i say it's a freaking miracle!  

i just have to say, there is nothing like coming back into testimony meeting from changing your son's diaper to find your oldest daughter up on the stand saying "and i asked my mom if she and my dad were going to get divorced..."

wha wha wha wha?  uh, what are you saying?!  

and then everyone looks at you giggling. yeah, there's nothing like your daughter airing you dirty laundry to ALL the church congregation.  really.  nothing.