Thursday, March 17, 2011

movie review...

SO, this is definitely a subject that has always interested me.  i was very curious to see this movie and wondered how political or one sided it would be.  it wasn't how i expected.  i'm glad that they showed the human side of charles darwin and i'm glad that they showed his struggles, his studies and his family life.  far to many people see one version of a man who brought God down as some would say. they see him as a cold heartless man who believed in nothing but science.
it did bother me that at times they portrayed him to be a bit crazy, (as in religious people consider scientists crazy) but after doing much {research} into the subject, i found that the portrayal was pretty accurate.  not that he was crazy but that he had many health and emotional problems that he dealt with.  what a struggle it must have been to make a decision to write a book that went against everything people had ever known.  and while i don't necessarily believe that man came from apes, i do think that things evolve.  nothing stays the same.  it's always changing and people and creatures learn to adapt to new situations. i've never understood why people make it either science or God. that religious people can't believe dinosaurs where on the earth or that scientists can't believe that there might truly be a higher God watching over us. why couldn't it be both?  why couldn't God make the earth evolve as darwin suggests?   when you think about it, the scientist and religious arguments sound pretty absurd. either the big bang or a God creating earth.  when it comes down to it, whether people like it or not it takes faith on both sides to believe what they believe. 
i only hope that religious people can walk away with a kinder more sympathetic heart for charles darwin. for good or bad, he did after all change the way people see the world.