Wednesday, March 21, 2012

on the second day of spring break...

SO, today i baked.  

i made:

chicken pot pie
cinnamon rolls

wes had therapy where i got to read one of my favorites {little dorrit}.  and i dreamed of living in the days of charles dickens.  but you know, the glamorous, charming version of those days where you don't think about the fact that no one bathed or that they used pots to pee in.  no, i'm dreaming more of the the {pride and prejudice} version of that life.  because i'm realistic like that.

then i had to do a {activity day} and did scripture easter eggs.  

followed by some last minute shopping.

what did my kids do?

michelle spent her time writing to santa about what she wants for christmas instead of cleaning her room and thinking about why she is grounded.

elise and wes?  um, i actually have no idea what they did.  other then wesley's therapy and elise's activity that is....

another grand and splendid day....

sigh.  whatever.