Monday, March 5, 2012


SO, four years ago leap day i was sitting in a hospital bed.  i was pregnant and on bed rest feeling horrible.  the doctors had already stopped my labor several times and when a whole week went by without a sign of contractions i was hoping to be in the clear for at least a few more days if not weeks. 

but no.

every nurse that came into my room to check vitals were met with my lighthearted demand that this kid better not be born on leap day.  they would chuckle and make some comment of agreement before leaving me in my bed bored out of my brain.  by 5:30pm, dinner time, i felt i was in the clear.  until right in the middle of eating dinner (and having my blood pressure checked by the nurse simultaneously) a gush of what i assumed was blood yet again came from my body.  crap.  but this time it wasn't hemorrhaging that had been happening for the majority of my pregnancy but my water breaking.  within minutes my clothes were torn off, on a gurney and i was under sedation.  it took 9 minutes for my baby boy to be pulled out of my body.  insane. 

so my little man was born on leap day.  and now he will only have a birthday every four years.  sucks for him, not me.  i just shrug my shoulders at that one.

finally this year was leap year.  and he finally got to have a birthday.  so we went BIG.  i figure we can afford a party every four years, eh?  and for the first time in my mothering life i actually put an effort into making a nice party.  more time then the few days scrambling that i usually do when it comes to birthdays. this time i actually planned a month in advance.  a miracle, i know.

wesley wanted an {imagination movers} party.  and that's exactly what he got.  it was rad.  seriously.  RAD. 

i made these fun invitations to send out.  thankfully my dear friend had a cricut machine.  otherwise, these would NOT have turned out nearly as grand.

we had the kids make inventions.  then we had a show-n-tell of what they created.  we also had a dance party to the movers (of course) and played "where is warehouse mouse?"  wesley was just super excited that he got his very own warehouse mouse.  
wesley also wanted a pinata.  it was the quickest hitting of a pinata i've ever seen.  the kids went crazy on it.

such a fun day.  i can't believe how grown up my little man is becoming.  it is true what they say about mothers and sons.  there is nothing like it!

**i just have to say, the one thing i LOVE about the imagination movers is they acknowledge their fans.  not only did they wish my son a happy birthday on their facebook page, they also sent him a poster wishing him a happy birthday, signed by the whole group.  how cool is that???  wesley and i are going to see them in concert.  we can't wait to meet them and have our pictures taken with them.  they absolutely ROCK IT!**