what the crap am i supposed to do with them? uhhhh. i hate entertaining children. i'd rather go through getting my new teeth again.
today we went to the gym, cleaned the house and had elise's friend over. i heard them in the backyard laughing hysterically. when i went to see what they were doing, this is what i found....
i'm seriously relieved that my kids have no idea what black face is...
michelle lost her other front tooth at lunch. she didn't even know it fell out. i found it on the floor when i was mopping. i went downstairs and asked her to smile. she did. then i said "do you know your tooth is gone?" she checked and was completely surprised. funny kid.
holy cow did they have fun.
i will however, spare you the hysteria that proceeded when we had to take the freaking makeup off. so.much.crying.
elise was her fun loving self until her friend went home. then the grumpy brat once again emerged. do any of your kids act like that? like they are only happy when it's someone other then their family? it drives me crazy.