Monday, October 10, 2011

happy columbus day...

SO, i totally forgot that today was a holiday.  i mean, is it really a holiday?  (i guess so.)

now that my home is totally and completely organized, that has left me with a load of free time.  there's only so much time that i can spend at the gym, so i've been practicing my photography skills.  taking pics of my kids is spending quality time with them, right?  (i'll just keep telling myself that.)

anyway, i love this photo of wesley.  it pretty much sums up his personality.
hard core on top but with a angelic face.
he pretty much gets away with anything.  if only i could get him to stop saying "i HATE you!" or "you're STUPID!" 
and most importantly if he would stop asking total strangers to "pull my finger!"


and as he just said to me "WHY IS ME SOOOOO ANGRY RIGHT NOW?!!"
dude kid, i have no idea.