Friday, October 7, 2011

give the tooth fairy a break, alright?

SO, michelle lost her first front tooth last night.  it came out while she was rinsing her mouth out with water.  so when she spit, it went down the drain. 

you would have thought someone had burned down her home.  the hysterics. the crying. seriously.  drama to the nth degree.

we ended up writing a note to the tooth fairy explaining the situation.  i assured her that this has probably happened a million times to the tooth fairy and she would understand.  it wasn't enough to console her.  the dramatic crying went into the wee hours of the night.  (and when i say wee, i mean 9pm.  that's like midnight to a six year old, right?)

when michelle awoke this morning, she was devastated at the lonely note still under her pillow.  no money in sight.  if only these kids would sleep heavier.  every time the poor tooth fairy tried to give her money, they would stir in their sleep and half way open their eyes.  what's a tooth fairy to do? 

i told michelle she needed to put the note on her dresser.  that maybe the tooth fairy would be able to find it better since her tooth radar wasn't working from the lack of a tooth.  maybe she'll finally come tonight. 

anyway, she was proud as can be with the gap in her mouth after school today.  i had to take a picture.