Monday, April 9, 2012

on the last day of the most LONG spring break EVER...

SO, on sunday we decided to wake up early, eat breakfast and head out before any traffic could form.  you would be amazed at just how compliant my children were to get out on time.  no messing around, no fighting.  just doing what they were supposed to do and out we went.  

michelle even said she wasn't going to drink anything so we wouldn't have to stop for bathroom breaks.  that's how determined they were to get home.


we made it in by 2pm.  (i may or may not have driven 90mph most of the way home.)

i was beyond relieved to be home.  i missed the smells and feel of home and i slept better then i have in weeks. 

i swear that spring break was BRUTAL. 

i'm exhausted just having to remember it all over again.  geesh.