Monday, April 9, 2012

on the thirteenth day of spring break...

SO, saturday was the day to leave.


but before we could head out, we had family pictures.  all of my husbands siblings gathered together with their families to try once again to have family pictures done.  (the last attempt turned out horrible.  a whole other story i won't bore you with.)  

some extended family members will remark at how bad these were as well.  i don't care anymore.  just don't ask me to do it again until our kids are at least eight.  maybe then we'll get some good pictures.

then we hit the road.

where we got stuck in THREE traffic jams.  

first one was from a cargo truck flipping and catching on fire in the middle of a construction zone.  we sat for two hours not moving one.inch.

the second one was from yet another cargo truck flipping and having to get another truck to transport the contents from one truck to the other.  we sat for an hour going only 7 miles.  

the last was because of construction.  that one lasted a hour and a half crawling through.  

we finally arrived by ten at night.  exhausted and grumpy.  (mostly me tired and grumpy.  i may have yelled at my kids and made them cry several times...)

have i mentioned this whole debacle to almost over?