Wednesday, April 18, 2012

welcome to the bad mommy's club.... once again.

SO, yesterday was rough.  i mean, REALLY rough.  my oldest daughter came home sick from school, my son was a stinker at his therapy, my other daughter refused to clean up her room (even though i was beyond generous by basically cleaning it for her by pulling everything out and placing it on a rug.  all she had to do was put the stuff away.  JUST PUT IT AWAY!)  then my son decided to marker all over the hallway walls.  oh, then lied to the very end about it. michelle then taught wesley to unlock the bathroom door by using his imagination mover's CD causing me to spank both kids bums and bruising my hand in the process.   sigh....  i could go on but i think you get the idea.

but here is why i'm doing a post on this crumby of crumby days:

while trying to get wesley to admit to his wall drawings i told him that he would have to stay in his room the remainder of the night for lying.   he continued to deny any part of the scandal so i closed the door and told him he was grounded the rest of the night.  of course he started to cry.  after a little bit, i heard him talking to himself in heart broken tones.  i put my ear up to the door and this is what i heard him saying...

wesley:  "why mommy?  why?  why would you leave me in my room?  i'm your little boy remember?  I'M YOUR LITTLE BOY!  you put others in a room, NOT ME!!!  you LOVE meeeeee!"  then major sobbing.

being a mom: epic fail.

he is 4 years old.  how on earth can he know how to stab me in the heart like that?  geesh.  the manipulation is starting younger and younger.

he still sat in his room though.

until i made him go to target with me and use his own money to buy magic erasers and help me clean the walls.  

then he went to bed at 6:30pm.

at 5:45am he came into my room wanting to cuddle with me.  after feeling so horrible about the night before i agreed.  

but i woke up thirty minutes later in a puddle of pee.  

my son peed on me.  revenge anyone???

needless to say, my son is not sleeping with me ever again.  

and i mean it this time.