Thursday, June 7, 2012

yet another birthday...

SO, today is my oldest child's birthday.  how on earth do i have a middle schooler?  

elise in the past year has grown up in so many ways.  she's matured, grown mentally and spiritually and i sometimes wonder how she turned out relatively normal. i mean, she is the product of my husband and myself.  i'm grateful none the less.  

i watch her from day to day helping me by my side.  taking care of her siblings, drawing her pictures and reading her books.  she is a well spoken, thoughtful, very insightful and smart spirit.  it's amazing the things she understands.  even from such a young age she understood things without having to explain to her why they were that way.  in many ways, she is an old soul.  i'm impressed God trusted me enough to place her in my life.

if you haven't already read my survey i did about my first born, you can go {HERE} to read it.  i still think elise is a miracle baby.  well, all my kids are miracle babies but elise got the ball rolling....


i love you dearly.