SO, it's been time for wesley to start on solids for a little while now. and i just have to say, i've NEVER seen a child so reluctant to eat food. he's been nursing since 4 weeks and he seems to be addicted. i mean, REALLY addicted. he loves his nipple time and if he doesn't get just enough time in the day for his nipple, he goes crazy, is grumpy and cries and cries and cries.... you get my drift. i guess i didn't understand the magnitude of his addiction until the day we started to feed him solids. he was acting like we were killing him! and his look of horror as if thinking "what are you doing, this isn't a nipple!?" it got so bad that every time we put him in his high stair and put the bib on he would start to scream, cry and do anything to get out. and it got worse... i couldn't even feed him. he would just refuse, forcing the mister to do the job. i couldn't talk or be in the same room where he was eating because as soon as he would hear my voice or see me, he would stop eating and just cry. after a few weeks of this drama, i was at my wits end and decided to cover EVERYTHING he ate in soupy breast milk. and it did the trick! he ate the whole thing without a cry, scream or horrible look. i swear if i could throw a "my son is eating his breast milk laden food and not screaming for my nipples" party, i would have. we have eventually over these past few months lessened the breast milk to food ratio and are now food only and i can feed him! HOOOOO! HOOOO! FINALLY! i am so excited, why else would i devote a WHOLE entry on this matter? of course, he still absolutely must have his nipples, but i'm okay with that as long as i don't have to think about the weening process right now (i'll live in THAT land of denial as LONG as i can!) so, if any of you out there who also have a nipple addict, use my antidote. maybe it might just do the trick!