SO, i just HAVE to comment on this. i've seen several other blog posts on the same subject and i guess i am going to be the defender.
when michelle first started to watch "yo gabba gabba", i too thought this show was produced by drug-induced crazy people, and to a point i guess i still do. she became so entranced with it while i sat in complete dumb-foundedness. i just couldn't wrap my head around it. so the mister decided to do some research into this show. it turns out that DJ Lance Rock is really a techno DJ, and the show is produced by my beloved Aquabats! we listen to the Aquabats with our kids, the mister's brother has opened with his own band for them and after that i couldn't help but fall in love with the show. once i understood who was behind it, that it's supposed to be utterly absurd, weird and that most of the characters are played by husbands and wives it just made the show so much more fun. CRAZY, yes. but fun none-the-less.
so, does this make me cool? i know DJ Lance Rock with 4 degrees of separation. you ready? let's do it... break it down!
1. i'm married to the mister 2. the mister has a brother who had a movie made about him called "Hi, my name is Ryan" 3. mike dana was one of the directors of the movie 4. DJ Lance Rock opened at the premier in hollywood for ryan and mike dana (mike dana and dj lance in the above picture.)
thus, my 4 degrees of separation. does that make me cool? probably not to you, but to my kids i'm AWESOME!