Wednesday, January 21, 2009

if you don't like whining or complaining.... look away!

SO, i'm TIRED! i'm so tired that i tried to put my baby's bottle filled with juice back into the cupboard. i'm so tired that i haven't cleaned my house, REALLY cleaned it for almost a month now! gross, i know and don't any of you DARE come over! so, these are the things i'm most tired of...

i'm tired of my children never listening to me.
i'm tired of one child throwing a fit every time she has to practice her reading. your almost eight child! are you really rolling around on the ground crying? really?
i'm tired of another child stepping, hitting, and taking away toys from your baby brother. you know who you are.
i'm tired of my baby's demand for nipples. (only when i'm busy because the mister is gone. usually i don't mind it at all.)
i'm tired and need to wash my hair, i put my foot down at a week!***
i'm tired of my skin being dry all the time.
i'm tired of NOT wearing makeup. it's been three days now. and yes, i know it's still me but only in color, it still makes me feel better okay?
i'm tired and have no motivation to do my visiting teaching. (one more strike in heaven, thank you very much!)
i'm tired of being a taxi cab driver.
i'm tired of cleaning, since i seem to be the ONLY one who does it. and when i get others to try and participate they either one, look at me with utter blank stares or two, scream, cry, moan or stomp feet through out the house. sigh. you too know who you are. (everyone)
i'm tired of mopping the floor. what's the point? as soon as a meal is finished it looks just like it did before mopping. did any food result in the mouth? no wonder you're ALWAYS hungry.
i'm tired of FEELING so tired.
i'm SOOOOO tired of this dreaded mid-winter. i HATE the MIDDLE of winter. we should just have the holidays and then skip to spring. that would suite me just fine.
i'm tired of being grumpy in said mid-winter.
i'm tired of whining now. thank you.

this is my blog, so i'll post whatever i LIKE. (umph, G R U M P Y!!)

*** for the record, i bath everyday, it's just my hair that seems to get missed in the process.

also, this is normal for me. i am ALWAYS horribly grumpy during this time of year. wait until spring. i'll be back to normal. uh, as "normal" as i get.