Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's the end of the world as we know it... and i feel fine

SO, Obama is our 44th president. yes, he's our first black president. yes, it is i guess, an historic moment. but i'm concerned. i question his flat out refusal to produce his american birth certificate. i wonder about him trying to re-write his own history. i worry that he wants to pump more money that we don't have into our economy and demand the banks to give more credit we don't need. (um, isn't that our problem?) and i'm mostly concerned that the whole world has placed all their hopes and dreams onto one man, expecting a miracle. i'm sorry, but the only person we should expect to do that would be Jesus Christ.
Obama is ONLY a MAN. a politician to be exact. someone who seems to really not have done much in his years of government. i'm a pessimist when it comes to these people. i just don't trust ANY of them from either party. the things he says are far to good to be true. the worlds expectations are far to high and i'm afraid Obama may fall hard.
but, i hope the Lord inspires him. i hope he does at least one thing right in his four years of presidency. he is after all, my president and i don't want to be see my country screwed. i above all hope that the world see's he's ONLY a man, and to not to expect him to walk on water or save the world. i'm waiting for my Savior to do that.