Tuesday, February 10, 2009

betcha can't guess what i'm thinking....

natalie is holding tray, i'm behind the freaking huge soda mug...wearing black as usual.

SO, have you ever heard of facebook? you know, that low-key very small social networking website? well, i am a member of this obscure web page and while on the time sucking site this afternoon, i noticed a friend of mine was tagged in a picture by a friend of hers (got that?) from their high school days. well, i decided i would check it out since i went to their school as well. now i didn't know her friend and these were her pictures, but the first picture that came up was of me in the back ground staring right at the camera. it was a bit bizarre to see myself, and i knew exactly what i was thinking. i'll give you some background and then you can guess...
i knew my friend natalie since elementary school. she was always pretty, nice and very popular. in fact i feel she really was only my "friend" because she was in YW with me and i suspect her mom felt sorry for me (being an ultimate loser and all) and basically told her to be my friend. she was always nice to me, but we really didn't hang out much once we hit middle & high school.
natalie was a cheerleader, hung out with the football team and the pretty people. i was the one who wore ALL BLACK including nail polish, red lipstick, was a theatre geek, sat in the corner mocking people in my head and was DEFINITELY not one of the pretty people!
so, that being said... can you guess what i'm thinking?
seeing this picture i just have a few questions...
1. how many other random pictures are out there of me that i'm not aware of?
2. is it pathetic that i still basically look the same as i did 12 YEARS ago? maybe i should re-think a new hair style.
3. are those glasses freaking HUGE or what? man, thank heavens for laser eye surgery!